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Earthquakes Can Trigger Quartz Into Forming Giant Gold Nuggets Study Finds

Earthquakes Can Trigger Quartz into Forming Giant Gold Nuggets, Study Finds


Earthquakes can trigger a unique geological process that transforms ordinary quartz into giant gold nuggets, according to a groundbreaking new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience. This discovery sheds light on the enigmatic formation of some of the world's largest gold deposits.

Mechanism of Formation

The study, led by researchers from the University of Alberta, revealed that earthquakes generate intense shock waves that can fracture quartz crystals. These fractures provide pathways for gold-bearing fluids to penetrate and deposit gold atoms within the quartz. The resulting gold nuggets can grow to remarkable sizes, sometimes exceeding several centimeters in diameter.

The researchers conducted experiments simulating earthquake conditions in the laboratory. They subjected quartz crystals to high-pressure shock waves and observed the formation of gold nuggets. The experiments confirmed that the shock waves created fractures that allowed gold-bearing fluids to access and deposit gold within the quartz.

Implications for Gold Exploration

The findings of this study have significant implications for gold exploration. By identifying the role of earthquakes in gold nugget formation, geologists can now target areas that have experienced recent seismic activity for potential gold deposits. This approach could lead to more efficient and successful gold exploration campaigns.

Additionally, the study suggests that areas prone to earthquakes may have a higher potential for hosting large gold deposits. Geologists can use seismic hazard maps to identify such areas and prioritize them for exploration.


The discovery that earthquakes can trigger the formation of giant gold nuggets is a major breakthrough in geological science. It provides a new understanding of the processes that shape the Earth's crust and offers valuable insights for gold exploration. By harnessing this knowledge, geologists can improve their ability to locate and extract this precious metal, contributing to the global economy.
